Wednesday 28 December 2011

Next Meeting Wednesday 4 January

When 5:30 Wednesday 4 January, 2012
Where: Lucinda's place, the Little Blue House on Middlesex Road, Lot 21.

Simon will facilitate
Marion will take minutes

Actions from the last meeting
Promoting ourselves to the community - bringing in new members

Friday 9 December 2011

In our recent meeting we heard back from Lucinda about the outcomes of the meeting with the shire, which was positive and we will be proceeding with the councils and our preferred site within the Timber Park. A group of us will be going down to the timber park on Monday afternoon to have another look and the proposed area and the next step in the process will be a meeting with the Timber and Heritage Park Committee on Tuesday. The next meeting has been called for Wednesday the 21 December for a report back from the outcomes of the meeting with the Timber and Heritage Park Committee and to set further action items to proceed to the planning approvals.

Next Meeting

What:   Manjimup Community Garden Meeting

When:  Wednesday 21 December, 5:30pm

Where: Newton Brothers Orchards central packhouse and cool stores

In the Industrial Area
64-66 Franklin St
two olive trees in wine barrels are at the entrance to the office
Lucinda will be there to direct you to the meeting room

The meeting agenda

  • Report back from the Timber and Heritage Park Committee meeting
  • Progressing affiliation with the Manjimup Farmers Market
  • Lease arrangements
  • setting a time frame for preparing documents for council planning process

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Visit to Busselton and Nannup Community gardens

Hi all, I promised to a few of you to put up a report on our visit to Busselton and Nannup and Im sorry to say I've been a bit busy over the last few weeks and havent gotten around to it but in the meantime I hope you will enjoy these photos of the two community gardens.

Busselton Community Garden

Nannup Community Garden


Meeting Tonight 

The next meeting has been called for Wednesday the 7 December.

What:   Manjimup Community Garden Meeting

When:  Wednesday 7 December, 5:30pm

Where: Newton Brothers Orchards central packhouse and cool stores

In the Industrial Area
64-66 Franklin St
two olive trees in wine barrels are at the entrance to the office 
Lucinda will be there to direct you to the meeting room

The meeting agenda

Thursday 10 November 2011

Potential Garden Sites

There are many parks around Manjimup and a number of them have been suggested as potential locations, below are some of those recently visited and there locations can be found on the link below to google maps.

Link to the potential locations for the community garden

Apex Park
The Apex Park is located on South West Hwy near Rice St and is a good sized park 0.8 hectares in size, connected to mains water with an existing toilet block. The park also has play equipment and some picnic sites with a number of trees providing shaded areas without shading too much of the park. The park lacks car parking spaces and is a little isolated from a potential meeting site, however being on the highway it could help to show case the garden to the local community and people passing through.

The Timber Park
The Timber Park obviously comes with a range of facilities including toilets, a potential meeting place, picnic sites, play areas, water and power supply and may potential provide a good sized garden, but any garden would have to fit in with existing developments within the park and there appears to be only one potential area in the north east of the park near the historical village that would provide suitable. This area would need to be discussed further but could possibly be as much as 0.7 hectares.
Location within the Timber Park not only provides access to a range of facilities but could help draw attention to the park and increase the usage of the park by the local community.

That Other Park aka the Peace Park

This park located between the Timber Park and the community centre is 1.1 hectares in size and its location links in well with other community aspects and facilities. The park has some sunny areas but there are also some tall trees and some may need to be removed in the future if this was to be the garden site. The park has been considered for future development by the council so further discussion with the council would need to be held before we could consider this site which may cause some delays in establish our garden. The park does not appear to have water on site though it was formerly a shire depot so it may still have water nearby and power lines run along the edge of the park. The park also has some plantings which could be included in the design of the park.

Jaycees Park

This park located across the road from the Timber Park has a range of picnic facilities and play equipment within it and is a well shaded park with numerous trees and would require a fair amount of alteration to be used as a community garden but the site still has plenty to offer and a good location, however it has also been considered for a revamp as a youth area and so would require further discussion with the shire.

Next Meeting Wednesday 16 November

The next meeting has been called for Wednesday the 16 of November following the inspiring group visit to the Busselton and  Nannup Community Gardens.

What:   Manjimup Community Garden Meeting
When:  Wednesday 16 November, 5:30pm
Where: The Gallery, Manjimup Community Centre

 The Agenda
  1.  Determine a preferred site (for the purpose of finalising the Management Plan where parts are site dependent)
  2. Finalise the Management Plan (for the purpose of commencing negotiations with the Shire)
  3. Compile a list of matters to be raised with the Shire in those discussions (lease arrangements, funding possibilities, in kind donations etc)

At present a number of sites have been put forward which look promising and details of these and photos will be uploaded soon.


Welcome to the Manjimup Community Garden Blog

Hi all and welcome this blog is dedicated to the Manjimup Community Garden which is currently in the process of planning site location and the layout of the garden.